Wednesday, December 1, 2010

People and Places: Multiple Choice :
Whose bones were buried in Canaan at Shechem ?
(a) Joshua's ; (b) Joseph's ; or (c) Caleb's.
(b) Joseph's (Josh. 24:32 ).
Joseph had made his heirs promise to bury him in Canaan when the Lord would again take the Israelites there (Gen. 50 :24 ,25 ).
Multiple Choice :
Which judge asked God on two different occasions to show him a sign to assure him that God wanted him as a judge over Israel ?
(a) Gideon; (b) Othniel; or (c)Samson.
(a) Gideon (Judg. 6; 17 - 21, 36-40 ).


Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy, Thank you for the Bible passages and questions today. It rained so hard here yesterday and not it has cleared and is cold and windy. Hope you and Bennie have a great day.

Patsy said...

You are so welcome Mildred