Thursday, February 6, 2014


1. Multiple choice: 1. What are the first mentioned towns that Paul and Silas visited on their missionary journey? (Derbe and Lystra; (b) Damascus and Tarsus; or (c) Iconium and Perga.

2. What was Timothy's hometown? (a) Antioch; (b) Lystra; or (c) Jerusalem.

3. Timothy was well spoken of by believers in his hometown of Lystra and what other nearby town?
(a) Derbe; (b) Iconium; or (c) Athens.

1. (a) Derbe and Lystra (Acts 16:1). Paul and Barnabas had established churches in Derbe and Lystra on their first missionary journey.
2. (b) Lystra (Acts 16:1,2).
3. (b) Iconium (Acts 16:2).

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