Wednesday, February 5, 2014


1. Multiple choice: The notable contention between Paul and Barnabas  over John Mark took place in what city? (a) Jerusalem; (b) Antioch; or (c) Philippi.

2. Where did Barnabas and John Mark first go when they left Antioch on their missionary journey? (a) Cilicia; (b) Cyprus; or (c) Crete.

3. Where is Barnabas when he is last mentioned in the book of Acts? (a) Antioch; (b) Jerusalem; or (c) Cyprus.

1. (b) Antioch (Acts 15:35-40).
2. (b) Cyprus (Acts 15:39). Paul and Barnabas had already established churches on Cyprus but had not returned to see how they were doing.
3. (c) Cyprus (Acts 15:39).

1 comment:

  1. I don't do well on geography!

    Really windy here tonight. The cats' eyes get so big when they hear the wind in the trees!!!

    Love you. Hope you rest well.
