Friday, February 7, 2014


1. Multiple choice: From what city did Paul and Silas attempt to go into Bithynia? (a) Thrace; (b) Troas; or (c) Mysia.

2. Where was Paul when he received  his famous Macedonian call? (a) Corinth; (b) Troas; or (c) Rome

3. True or false? Philippi was one of the foremost cities of Macedonia?

1. (c) Mysia (Acts 16:7) Bithynia lay north of Mysia, and Paul wanted to preach the gospel there.
2. (b) Troas (Acts 16: 8,9) Troas was on the farthest western coast of Asia Minor and was a major seaport for those traveling to Macedonia.
3. True (Acts 16:12).


  1. Geography questions are the hardest.
    I am late visiting tonight. The man who bought our last house has had a stroke and is in ICU following surgery. I have been in contact with his young wife throughout the day. Please pray for Greg and Norah. Thank you.
    God bless you and Bennie.

  2. Geography is hard and I have to get my maps out and look over the
    missionary journeys, To see where Paul is at. But all of the repetition has helped me.
    Sorry about Greg and his wife I will pray for them.
