Friday, January 25, 2013

Gospels--People and Places

1. Multiple choice: Jesus told the disciples about His going away. "I will not leave you (a) Deserted; (b) forever; or (c) orphans I will come to you.

2. Who  wanted Pilate to change the title on Jesus' cross from "The King of the Jews" to "He said, I
am the King of the Jews"? (a) The disciples; (b) the chief priests of the Jews; or (c) the soldiers.

3. Fill in the blanks: "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the -------- may be glorified in the --------.

1. (c) "Orphans" (John 14:18).
2. (b) the chief priests of the Jews (John 19:21)
3. "Father.....Son" (John 14:13). 

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