Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gospels---People and Places

1.Multiple choice: Who prompted  the disciple who was leaning on Jesus' breast to ask Him to name His betrayer? (a) John ; (b) Peter; or (c) Judas.

2. True or false? Judas refused the piece of dipped bread that Jesus gave him and left immediately.

3. Multiple choice: Jesus told the disciples that those who believed on Him would do: (a) Good works nearly as great as His; (b) the works He did and greater ones also; or (c) the commands of the Holy Spirit.

1. (b) Peter (John 13:24).
2. False (John13:30). As though to emphasize the darkness of Judas' deed, John wrote, "He then went out immediately. And it was night."
3. (b) The works He did and greater ones also (John 14:12). Jesus connected this promise to teaching about praying to the Father in the name of Jesus (vv.13,14).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I didn't do so well today, Patsy, only one, thanks for sharing.

  3. That is Ok, we are learning together. I am surprised at how many I get wrong.
    I understand more now why absorption of Bible doctrine is today, tomorrow, the next day and the next.
