Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gospels--People and Places

1. Multiple choice: The "Helper" Jesus said the Father would give the disciples is the : (a) Spirit of holiness; (b) Spirit of truth; or (c) Spirit of power.

2. Question? Christ is the vine; the believers are the branches. Who is the vine dresser?

3. Multiple choice: Who is glorified by the believers' bearing much fruit? (a) The believer; (b) the Father ;or (c) the Son.

1. (b) Spirit of truth (John 14: 17).
2. The Father  (John 15:1). The vine dresser (Father) prunes the branches (believers) to  increase their fruitfulness.
3. (b) The Father (John 15 :8). When the branches bear fruit they show that they are properly related to the vine which is the source of all fruit. This relationship honors  the vine dresser.

1 comment:

  1. That first one was a tricky one, but I got it right, and I also got the other two. Thanks for sharing. Miss your personal blog!
