Friday, May 4, 2012


1. Fill in the blank: God revealed His plan to bring judgment on Babylon and other pagan nations when He told Jeremiah to "Take this wine cup of -------- from My hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send you, to drink it."

2. Multiple choice: What did Jeremiah wear as a sign that only by submission to Babylon could Judah and the other nations escape destruction? (a) Sackcloth; (b) a black arm band; or (c) a yoke.

3. True or false? Matthew saw Jeremiah's statement about Rachel's "weeping for her children" in Ramah being fulfilled when Herod killed the Hebrew infants at the time of Jesus birth.

1. "Fury" (Jer.25:15 ).

2. (c) a yoke (Jer. 27: 1-11 ).

3. True. (Jer. 31: 15; Matt. 2: 16-18 ).

1 comment:

  1. Only one tonight, Patsy, I really thought #2 was sackcloth. I really need to reread Jeremiah. Thankd you for the inspiration.
    Enjoy your weekend.
