Thursday, May 3, 2012

Prophecy-- Prediction

1. True or false? Jeremiah prophesied  in Tophet that because of the desolation of Jerusalem the people in their desperation would be reduced to cannibalism.

2. Multiple choice: What was Jeremiah to break in the sight of the men with him in Tophet to illustrate that God would destroy  Jerusalem? (a) A rock; (b) a tree branch; or (c) A potter's flask.

3. Fill in the blank: God showed Jeremiah a basket of good -------- , which  represented the Jews deported to Babylon whom He would restore to their own land.
1. True. (Jer. 19:9 ) In Tophet the residents of Jerusalem had offered their children to Baal (v. 5 ). During the siege of Jerusalem,the residents would be reduced to eating their sons and daughters.

2. (c) A potter's flask (Jer.19: 1, 10 ) Neither the flask nor the city could be made whole again because of the destruction they endured (v11 ).

3. Figs. (Jer.24: 5 ) . The Lord said that it was for their own good that He sent away those who were deported.

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