Saturday, May 5, 2012


1. True or false? Jeremiah's purchase of land in Anathoth served as a sign that God intended to restore  His people to their land.

2. Jeremiah prophesied that under the new covenant which God would establish with restored Israel, "No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying , Know the Lord."?

3. Multiple choice: Jeremiah wrote that when the Lord would restore Judah and Jerusalem, that David would never lack something. What shall David never lack?
(a) A man to sit on the throne of Israel; (b) psalms sung to the glory of God; or (c) animals of sacrifice for the royal family.

1. True. (Jer. 32:9,14,15 ). Anathoth was Jeremiah's hometown (Jer. 1:1 ), so he was anticipating a time when he could go home to live.

2. True. (Jer. 31: 34 ) Under the new covenant, the Lord said, "All shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them".

3. (a) A man to sit on the throne of Israel (Jer. 33:17 ).

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