Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Once A Believer Always A Believer

The Prodigal Son

He leaves  home and  squanders his inheritance in  riotous living.
His elder brother   stays  home  and works   hard. When the prodigal
returns  and is  restored to his  father, the elder brother  becomes petty,
jealous, bitter, and  resentful. Despite their different paths into carnality,
their sins  cannot  remove  them from  the circumstances of  their  birth. 
Once  a  son, always   a son! As a "born  again" believer, whether you sin 
like the prodigal or like the elder brother, you remain a permanent member
of the family of God, but you lose your temporal fellowship with God. To 
remedy  this  rift, God has provided a simple, grace procedure--rebound---
so that your postsalvation sins are forgiven and you can recover fellowship
and move on  in  the Christian life. Jesus taught the parable of the prodigal
son to  an  audience of self-righteous  legalists who reviled  the profligate
prodigal  and  praised  the holier-than-thou  elder brother. Yet they entirely
missed the message! Everyone who believes  who  believes in Christ by faith
alone  is  a  permanent son  of God. Once a family member, any believer can 
reclaim his Christian life from carnality and be restored to fellowship with God.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr

 I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and
says to you, "Do not fear; I will help you."
Isa. 41:13

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