Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Solution

Isolation Of Sin 

Breaking the vicious cycle of carnality shackling many believers to
their past failures. God's grace solution for the believer's sin is rebound,
privately confessing or naming sins to God the Father. Rebound instant--
aneously's accomplishes divine forgiveness, recovery of the Holy Spirit,
and restoration to fellowship with God. Yet many believers immediately
fall out of  fellowship,  caught  in reaction, guilt, and  a chain of mental,
verbal, or  overt  sins.  As their frustration  mounts, carnality seems over--
whelming. How do you break  this cycle?  Disengage yourself from forgiven
sin! When God forgives a sin, it no longer belongs to you. Do not reclaim the
burden! God has blotted out your sin! Feeling guilty, habitually looking back-
ward, worrying, chronic self-reproach only perpetuates your status in carnality.
When you  isolate  your sin by "forgetting those  things which are past," you
can" press on" to the high ground of spiritual maturity in your Christian life.

Book By R. B. Thieme JR

We do not lose heart. For our light and momentary
troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that
far outweighs them all.
2 Cor. 4:16-17

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