Monday, November 30, 2015

By Faith

12 Salvation
As in every Dispensation, salvation will be by faith
in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament sacrifices will be
resumed as a memorial to the grace of God.

"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy"
Psalm 126:5
Father, may the seeds of suffering or sorrow flower
into joy in  all life.
In Christ name I pray

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Justice And Punishment

11 Extended Life Span
(Isa. 65:20) Justice will be available to all, including immediate
punishment for crimes (Pas. 72: 2-9; Isa.11:3-5). Apparently
the only reason people will die in the Millennium is the authorized
by the Lord.
 "All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me,
and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out."
John 6:37
Father, remind us of why we are the objects of Your 
constant love and care. 
In Christ name I pray

Saturday, November 28, 2015


10 No Unbelievers
The Millennial civilization begins with believers only.
All Jewish and Gentile unbelievers are removed through
the Baptism of Fire. The unbelieving Jews are judged according
to Malachi 3:2-5; 4: 1, 2 and Ezekiel 20:37, 38. The judgment 
of unbelieving Gentiles is given in Matthew 25:31-46. The word
"nations" in verse 32 refers to Gentiles.

" For in that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to 
succor them that are tempted.
Hebrews 2:18

Thanks, Lord, for being willing to suffer so You could help when 
temptations come.
In Christ  name I pray

Friday, November 27, 2015

Plant Life Will Abound

9 Radical Changes in Nature
First  of all, mankind will be loosened from the bonage of sin
(Rom. 8:19-22). Secondly, since sin had an adverse effect on 
nature (Gen. 3:17, 18), animals will lose their ferocity, as per 
Isaiah 11:6-8 and 65:25. Thirdly, plant life will abound; so for
those who like flowers, there is nothing like the Millennium
(Isa. 35:1,2,7).

"I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear MyVoice, and open
the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."
Revelation 3:20

Lord, teach me to listen. Help me to creatively wait in thy presence. 
May thy voice find mine a listening ear.
In Christ  name I pray

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


8. Universal Knowledge of God
"For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord,
as the waters cover the sea" 
(Isa. 11:9).

"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."
Psalm 14:3
Thank You, Lord that I have my brothers and sisters in Christ
who offer a consoling word when the tears fall.
In Christ name I pray

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

They Will Revolt

7 Universal Prosperity
Free enterprise will reach an all time high during the Millennium
(Psa. 72:7, 16). How about that? Two chickens in every pot! But 
since people become bored even in prosperity, they will revolt 
against God's perfect provisions at the end of the Millennium.
"He is able... to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him,
seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 7:25
Jesus, thank you for changing my life. Help me to share with
others about the wonderful things you have done.
In Christ name I pray

Monday, November 23, 2015

We Are Alive Because?

6 Universal Peace-3
Then if war does occur, it will hopefully be of short duration.
Our military establishment has been ridiculed and undermined
to a great extent; Actually, the only thing that keeps us alive is
the grace of God. 
We would not be here at all if it were not for (a) believers who 
are taking in Bible doctrine and witnessing; (b) missionaries
who know the Lord and are going out with the Gospel; and (c)
the fact that our nation as a whole is Not anti-Semitic (Gen.12:3).

"If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."
Matthew 18:19

Father, forgive my faith. Thank you for showing me that if I have faith,
I must prove it by compassion.
In Christ name I pray

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hot And Cold Wars

6. Universal Peace: 2
Jesus said in Matthew 24:6,7
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars : see that ye be not troubled:
for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation 
shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall
be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

This means both hot wars and cold wars! So today, if people really believe
the Bible, there is just one thing for a nation to do: prepare for war!

" Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven."
Luke 6:23

Lord, help us to put a new joy in our living.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Free Of Conflict

6. Universal Peace
For the first time since the Fall, the world will be free from conflict
(Psa. 46:9; Hos.2:18; Mic.4:3).
...and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears
into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war any more (Isa. 2:4).
Only then will there be no need for strong national military forces;
but this passage does not apply to us today.
" The Word of the Lord endureth for ever."
1 Peter 1:25

Help us who are finite to believe in the inspired Word that speaks to us of Thee.
Help us to place our lives in Thy hands.
In Christ name I pray

Friday, November 20, 2015

Perfect Government

5. True Internationalism
The reign of Jesus Christ on earth will mean a universal rule of the
world, but nations will still exist. At that point, there will finally
be perfect world government (Psa.72; Isa. 11:1-5; Zech. 14:9).

"The Lord thy God, He is God, the faithful God, which keepeth
covenant and mercy with them that love Him."
Deuteronomy 7:9

Lord, so bine our hearts to thee that people will see You
and Your church in their beauty.
In Christ name I pray

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Break the Cycle

3. Great Spirituality
There will be a maximum number of believers filled with 
the Holy Spirit, and ecstatics will be bone fide during this 
period (Joel 2:28,29).

4. Israel Restored
Israel will be regathered universally as a nation under God.
Their right to the Land today doesn't mean a thing------
except that their right to the Land will be challenged until 
Christ  returns! God promised that He  would restore them. 
When Christ returns to the earth, He will regather Israel
(Isa. 35:3-10; Ezek. 20:34). Only  Jesus Christ can break 
the fifth cycle of discipline.

"The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms."
Deuteronomy 33:27

Dear Lord, help us to give up our fears, and anxieties and give ourselves
fully to you.
In Christ name I pray

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


There are twelve general characteristics of the 
Age of Christ
1. Perfect environment
for one thousand years there will be perfect conditions on the earth.
(Isa. 11:1-9)

2.  No religion
In order to have perfect environment, religion must be removed from 
the world. Satan is the father of religion (John 8:44); and since he will
be imprisoned for one thousand years (Rev.20:1-3), his ace trump---
religion-- goes with him! There will be no more cults with their
 "screwballs" knocking at your door!

"He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."
Matthew 24:13
God, give me a faith that does not waver.
In Christ name I pray

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Justice Of God

The Last Judgment
A final judgment of all unbelievers following the destruction of earth. 
Jesus Christ will be the Judge, and the issue will be: do you stand on
your own works or the works of Christ? Those who have rejected the
judgment of their sins at the Cross must accept the justice of God at
the Great White Throne (Rev. 20: 11-15).

"As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee."
Joshua 3:7

Dear Lord, please remove all doubt from my mind and help
me to have faith in Your promises.
In Christ name I pray

Monday, November 16, 2015

It Will Occur

Destruction of the Universe

This will occur as recorded in 2 Peter 3:7-13,
when the earth, as we know it , will no longer exist.

"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord,
and He shall lift you up."
James 4:10

Lord, help me to be honest and humble enough to acknowledge
my need of moral and spiritual help from others as well as Your
divine help.
In Christ name I pray

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Only Answer

The Second Advent of Satan
This takes place at the end of the one thousand years. "He Satan must be loosed a little season'
(Rev.20:3). Satan persuades the unbelievers of the Millennium to rebel against perfect
environment and the reign of Jesus Christ and leads the revolt against God. This demonstrates
that perfect environment (or even good or better environment) is not the solution to man's
 problems. The principle that improving environment solves man's problems is one of the basic
tenets of psychology and psychiatry. Socialism even goes so far as to say: ("We will improve
your environment and you will be happy." But a relationship with the Person of Jesus Christ
is the only answer! 

"Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee."
Psalm 50:15

Father, I want to live close enough to know that when I call, you will answer.
In Christ name I pray

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Some Will Be Negative

So the Millennial civilization starts  with  believers only. However,
in the course of the repopulation of  the Millennial earth, because
people still possess an old sin nature, many will become  negative
and eventually reject Christ as Savior.
 "If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed."
John 8:31

Lord, May our love for You increase. May our desire for Your 
word grow into delight.
In Christ name I pray

Friday, November 13, 2015

Cast Off

The Second Advent of Christ
When Christ returns to the earth, the Millennial Age begins.

The Baptism of Fire
As one of the first activities of Christ when He returns to the earth,
He separates surviving believers  from unbelievers. All unbelievers
are cast off the earth; all believers from the Tribulation go into the
Millenniun. John the Baptist prophesied concerning this in Matthew 3:11;
the details are given in Matthew 24:36-41 and 25:31-46.

"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him;
and He shall bring it to pass".
Psalm 37:5

Lord, we want to be more like You. May we see where changes 
are necessary, and trust You for the help we need.
in Christ name I pray

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Age Of Christ
The fourth and final Dispensation is the Millennium, or the 
Age of Christ. For one thousand years, Christ will rule on
the earth (Rev.20:4) as the Administrator. This Dispensation
is also divided into several parts.
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
Revelation 21:4
Dear Savior, help me to grow in your grace
even when the tears are falling!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


As in all four Dispensations, salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ
Act 16:31

This has been the eight characteristics of the Church Age,
and these are the believer's unique assets.
From R.B.Thieme Jr's book (Dispensations).

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Lord, cleanse my soul as the beautiful snow, and help me resist temptations. In Christ name I pray.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Don't be a Layman

Filling of the Holy Spirit
The means of executing this supernatural way of life is the filling
of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 commands every believer to be
filled with the Spirit; 1 John 1:9 specifies the mechanics. Under this
concept, every believer is an ambassador for Christ; therefore, every
believer is in full-time Christian service, and this does not require a 
"one-shot" dedication on your part. Your full-time Christian service
may be different from someone else's  because he is in a barracks
while you are in an office; he is in a shop--- you are on a farm; he is 
in the home---you are on a campus. Everyone has his own area of
Christian service, and there is actually no such thing as a "layman",
unless it is a Christian who  "lays" down on his job!
"The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul."
Psalm 121:7

Dear Lord, how precious is the assurance of Your presence!
I love you, and I trust my life into Your hands.
In Christ name I pray

Monday, November 9, 2015

A Way Of Life Today

Supernatural way of life
This supersedes the Mosaic Law, which is not the way of life for the
believer today (Rom.8:2-4). Remember that the giving of the Law to
Moses, as well as Christ's restatement of it in Matthew, took place in
the Age  of the Jew.  Neither keeping the Sabbath nor tithing are authorized
 for the Church Age. Instead, the New Testament epistles gave us the directions
for our modus operandi during the Dispensation of the Church.
"But in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him."
Acts 10:35
Lord, grant us the determination to overcome all
obstacles in our discovery of Your Love.
In Christ name I pray


Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Bible Is His Word

Completed Canon Of Scripture
After the first century, all divine communication was contained in written form;
today there is no revelation from God outside the Bible. Dreams, visions, trances
and voices are no longer bona fide revelations in this Age. The best one can say
for these activities today is that they are hallucinations; at the worst, they would 
fall into the category of demon possession. People who hear voices or have dreams
and think these come from God  are off base-- sometimes even non compos mentis!
There is no such thing for us as extra--Biblical revelation. God speaks only through
His Word in the postcanon phase of the Church. 

"Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." 

Acts 2:21
O Master, let me be worthy of being called a Christian.
In Christ name I pray

Friday, November 6, 2015

Live Your Life

Universal Priesthood Of The Believer 

This priesthood is without equal. In the Old Testament, there was no such thing
as a universal priesthood among believers. Israel had a specialized priesthood
taken from the tribe of Levi, the family of Aaron. In the Church Age, every 
believer is a priest; therefore, every believer has the right of representing himself
before God. The basis of information and authorization on which you do so is 
Bible doctrine communicated by a pastor-teacher. You live your own life as unto
the Lord.

"The Lord will give grace and glory:
no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly."
Psalm 84:11

Dear Lord, help me not to overlook the giving of thanks to You before I begin asking.
In Christ name I pray

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We Are Indwelt

Universal Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
This ,too, is new and unique. No Old Testament saint was ever
indwelt by the Holy Spirit. A few Old Testament saints were
empowered by the Spirit for the performance of special job.
This is called "enduement." but in the Church Age, every believer
is indwelt by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of function. Phase
Two, the  Christian way of life, is a supernatural way of life and
demands a supernatural means of execution which can be accomplished
only through the filling and power of the Holy Spirit.
"The Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold
from them that walk uprightly."
Psalm 84:11

Dear Lord, help me not to overlook the giving of thanks to You before I being asking.
In Christ name I pray

Bible Study With R.B.Thieme, Jr
from his book "Dispensations"

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

He Dwells

Universal Indwelling Of Christ
Every believer is indwelt by the Lord Jesus Christ. This was
prophesied by the Lord Jesus Himself when He said, "...
ye in me, and I in you" (John 14:20). The moment we accept
Jesus Christ as Savior, we are entered into union with Him, and
Christ  "dwells" within us for the purpose of fellowship.

"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Romans 10:13

Father, help us to be as little children in our humility and to
learn of thee.
In Christ name I pray

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Person Not A Religion

There are eight characteristics of the Church Age, and these are
the believer's unique assets:
1. Positional truth---- union with Christ:
this union never existed before  the Church Age. At the moment
of salvation, God the Holy Spirit places every believer in union
with Jesus Christ by means of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
This explains why Christianity is a relationship with a Person
and not a religion.
"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God:
I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee."
Isaiah 41:10

Lord, help me to rest in your care, even in times of danger.