Thursday, November 19, 2015

Break the Cycle

3. Great Spirituality
There will be a maximum number of believers filled with 
the Holy Spirit, and ecstatics will be bone fide during this 
period (Joel 2:28,29).

4. Israel Restored
Israel will be regathered universally as a nation under God.
Their right to the Land today doesn't mean a thing------
except that their right to the Land will be challenged until 
Christ  returns! God promised that He  would restore them. 
When Christ returns to the earth, He will regather Israel
(Isa. 35:3-10; Ezek. 20:34). Only  Jesus Christ can break 
the fifth cycle of discipline.

"The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms."
Deuteronomy 33:27

Dear Lord, help us to give up our fears, and anxieties and give ourselves
fully to you.
In Christ name I pray

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