Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We Are Indwelt

Universal Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
This ,too, is new and unique. No Old Testament saint was ever
indwelt by the Holy Spirit. A few Old Testament saints were
empowered by the Spirit for the performance of special job.
This is called "enduement." but in the Church Age, every believer
is indwelt by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of function. Phase
Two, the  Christian way of life, is a supernatural way of life and
demands a supernatural means of execution which can be accomplished
only through the filling and power of the Holy Spirit.
"The Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold
from them that walk uprightly."
Psalm 84:11

Dear Lord, help me not to overlook the giving of thanks to You before I being asking.
In Christ name I pray

Bible Study With R.B.Thieme, Jr
from his book "Dispensations"

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