Monday, February 3, 2014


1. Multiple choice: As Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch, they sailed from what port city in Pamphylia? (a) Attalia; (b) Seleucia; or (c) Corinth.

2. From what geographic area did people come to the church in Antioch and teach that circumcision was necessary for salvation? (a) Samaria; (b) Judea; or (c) Galilee.

3. To what city did Paul and Barnabas go to discuss the relationship of circumcision to salvation. (a) Antioch; (b) Bethlehem; or (c) Jerusalem.

1. (a) Attalia (Acts 14:25,26).
2. (b) Judea (Acts 15:1). In Judea were the strongly Jewish believers. They  continually struggled with anyone needing only faith in Christ to be accepted by God.
3. (c) Jerusalem (Acts 15:2). It was extremely important that the church be unified on this issue. That unification had to come through an agreement that involved the apostles who were still in the church in Jerusalem.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting tonight's questions.
    Hope you both are safe and warm.
    We reached a high of 70 today. This time last week, we were getting snow!
