Sunday, February 2, 2014


1.  Multiple choice: What was the last city Paul and Barnabas visited before retracing their steps to Antioch on their first missionary journey? (a) Derbe; (b) Iconium; or (c) Athens.

2. Question: Acts 14 names three cities where Paul and Barnabas established churches on their first missionary journey. What was one of them?

3. Multiple choice: As Paul and Barnabas headed back to Antioch on their first missionary journey,  they passed through Pisidia and came to what other Roman district? (a) Bithynia; (b) Cilicia; or (c) Pamphylia

1. (a) Derbe (Acts 14:20,21).
2. The three cities named are Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch (Acts 14:21). Paul returned to these cities even though he had faced severe opposition in his first visit to each one. He went back to appoint church leadership in each place.
3. (c)  Pamphylia (Acts 14:24).

1 comment:

  1. Good Sunday Evening.
    Hope you both are warm and safe tonight. What crazy weather you are experiencing. Have a good night.
