Tuesday, December 3, 2013


1. Multiple choice: What was the result of Christian preaching to the Hellenists in Antioch? (a) Many
believed; (b) They rejected  the message; or (c) they persecuted  the preachers.

2.  What does Acts 11 say Barnabas did when he came from Jerusalem to Antioch? (a) He encouraged them; (b) he reproved them; or (c) he  lorded it over them.

3. What event did the prophet Agabus predict? (a)  A great revival in Samaria; (b) imprisonment of Peter; or (c) a great famine in the world.

1. (a) Many believed (Acts 11:20,21). This marked the beginning of a great response among the Gentiles to the gospel.
2. (a) He encouraged them (Acts 11:23). The name Barnabas means "Son of Encouragement".
3.  (c) A great famine in the world (Acts 11: 28).

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