Monday, December 2, 2013


1. Multiple choice: Where was Peter when he saw the vision of the unclean animals coming down out of heaven? (a) In the wilderness; (b) in his room; or (c) on a housetop.

2. What was the response of the Jewish Christians when they realized that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles? (a) Joy; (b) astonishment; or (c) dismay.

3. After Peter had explained to the Jewish Christians why he had gone to the Gentiles with the gospel, what was their response? (a) They glorified God; (b) they were doubtful; or (c) they were angry.

1. (c) On a housetop (Acts 10:9-12). People customarily went up on the flat roofs of the homes of that day.
2. (b) Astonishment (Acts 10:45).
3. (a) They glorified God (Acts 11:18).

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