Wednesday, December 11, 2013


1.True or false? When the Jews stoned Paul outside of the city of Lystra, they  thought they had killed him.

2. Fill in the blank: As Paul and Barnabas returned to the cities  where they had established churches, they encouraged the believers by saying, "We must through many --------- enter the kingdom of God".

3. Multiple choice: What did Paul and Barnabas urge the believers  to do as they traveled back to the churches that were established on their first missionary journey? (a) Read the Scriptures daily; (b) continue in the faith; or (c) pray constantly.

1. True (Acts 14:19).
2. "Tribulations"  (Acts 14:22). From the beginning, Paul made it clear that the Christian life would be one of suffering for these new believers in Galatia.
3. (b) Continue in the faith (Acts14:22).

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