Tuesday, December 10, 2013


1. Fill in the blank: When the people saw that Paul had healed the man who was crippled from birth they said, "The ----------- have come down to us in the likeness of men!"

2. Multiple choice: When the priest of Zeus came to offer sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas, what animals did he bring for the sacrifice? (a) Sheep; (b) oxen; or (c) pigeons.

3. What did Paul and Barnabas do when the people  of  Lystra proclaimed  them to be Greek gods?
(a) They got angry; (b) they tore their clothes; or (c) they ran out of town.

1. "Gods" (Acts 14:11).
2. (b) Oxen (Acts 14:13) That they wanted to sacrifice such valuable animals show what important gods they considered Paul and Barnabas.
3. (b) They tore their clothes (Acts 14:14). This act demonstrated  how appalled were these missionaries.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patsy, I got 2 out of 3.

    We finally had sun today. Hope the sun will dry up the ground from 9 days of rain.
