Monday, February 18, 2013


1 .Multiple choice: Jesus warned His disciples that they would be brought before governors and Kings
for His sake for a testimony to two  groups. Who were the groups? (a) Jews and Gentiles; (b) scribes and Pharisees; or(c) rulers and Gentiles.

2. True or false? Jesus predicted that persecution would be so intense for His disciples that only  natural family ties would be strong enough to protect believers from betrayal.

3. Multiple choice: How does this saying of Jesus end? "You will  not have gone through the cities of Israel before ..." (a) "The temple is entirely destroyed"; (b) the Son of Man comes"; or (c) "you  see the abomination of desolation".

1. (c) Rulers and the Gentiles (Matt. 10:18).
2. False. Family members will betray one another (Matt. 10:21).
3. (b) "The Son of Man comes." (Matt.10:23).

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