Sunday, February 17, 2013


1.Multiple choice: Which Gospel is the only one to record the healing of two blind men who followed Jesus to the house where He was to stay? (a) Matthew; (b) Mark; or (c) Luke.

2. Whose son did the two blind men following Jesus say that He was? (a) God's (b) Joseph's; or (c) David's.

3. True or false ? When Jesus told the two blind men whom He healed, "See that no one knows it,"
they kept the secret carefully.

1.(a) Matthew (Matt. 9:27-31).
2. (c) David's (Matt. 9:27). Their spiritual eyes already saw that Jesus  was the Messiah who  could restore their  physical eyes.
3. False. They spread the news all around (Matt. 9:31).

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