Thursday, February 14, 2013


1.Question: Jesus and the disciples were in a boat when a great tempest arose and covered it with waves. What was Jesus doing?

2. Multiple choice: In the miracle of the demons that were cast out and entered into a herd of swine, which Gospel writer tells that there were two demon-possessed men among the tombs? (a) Matthew; (b) Mark; or (c) Luke.

3. True or false? In Matthew's Gospel, Jairus's daughter is said to be dead when Jairus meets Jesus, while in Mark and Luke, news of her death reaches Jesus while He is on His way to her house.

1. He was sleeping (Matt. 8:24).
2.(Matthew 8:28). Mark and Luke mention only the one who becomes involved with Jesus.
3. True (Matt. 9:19; Mark 5:35; Luke 8:49).

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