Tuesday, February 12, 2013


1.Multiple choice: Herod ordered the murder of children in Bethlehem in attempt to destroy Jesus. Matthew compared  this to a mother who lost a child. Who was she (a) Rachel; (b) Hagar; or (c) Naomi.

2. What name is needed to complete this quotation of Hosea by Matthew: "Out of -------- I called My Son"? (a) Mary; (b) Bethlehem; or (c) Egypt.

3. John the Baptist fore told that Jesus would judge sinners. What two symbols for judgment did he use? (a) An ax and a winnowing fan; (b) a balance and a gavel; or (c) a judge and a king.

1.(a) Rachel (Matt. 2:18, quoting Jer. 31:15).
2. (c) "Egypt" (Matt 2:15).
3. (a) An ax and a winnowing fan (Matt. 3: 10, 12). The ax will chop down fruitless trees, and the winnowing fan will separate chaff from wheat.

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