Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gospels----- People and Places

1. Fill in the blanks: Because they sought to kill Him, Jesus told the Jews, "You are of your father the
-------- ," who "was a --------- from the beginning."

2. Multiple choice: For what purpose did Jesus say the man was born blind? (a) To reveal the works of God; (b) to punish him for his sin; or (c) to punish his parents for their sins.

3. Fill in the blanks: Because Abraham and the prophets were dead, the Jews were  sure that Jesus  had a ------ when He  said, "If anyone keeps My word he shall never taste death."

1. "Devil......murderer" (John 8:44). "From the beginning" referred to Satan's activity in the Garden of Eden in bringing death to the entire human race.
2. (a) To reveal the works of God (John 9:3).
3. Demon (John 8:52). Jesus had said that no one who kept His word would die, and the Jews saw this as an attack on the fathers who had been godly but were dead.

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