Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gospel----People and Places

1.Multiple choice: Who condemned the woman caught in adultery? (a) Her accusers; (b) Jesus; or (c) No one.

2. Who told Jesus that because He bore witness of Himself that His witness was not true? (a) The Pharisees; (b) the crowd; or  (c) the temple priest.

3.Fill in the blanks: Because they sought to kill Him, Jesus told the Jews they were neither children of
---------, nor was  --------- their Father.

1. (c) No one (John 8:11). The Law required two or three witnesses to pass a death sentence on someone, so the woman was free because this condition was not met (Deut. 17:6).
2. (a) The Pharisees (John 8:13). The witness  He had borne was that He is the Light of the world
(v. 12). In response to their charge, Jesus said that the dual witness of the Father  and Himself was enough to establish the validity of His claim vv. 17,18).
3. Abraham....God (John 8:39,42).  

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