Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gospels----People and Places

1. Multiple choice: Which disciple did Jesus test by asking him where to buy bread to feed the 5,000?
(a) Peter; (b) Andrew; or (c) Philip.

2. Which disciple found the boy with the five loaves and two fish? (a) Peter (b) Andrew ; or (c) John.

3. Fill in the blanks: In explaining His "I am the bread of life" statement to the Jews, Jesus said, "Whoever eats --------- --------- and drinks -------- -------- has eternal life."

1. Philip (John 6:5).
2. (b) Andrew (John 6:8).
3. "My flesh....My blood" (John 6:54).


  1. I got them correct tonight.

    Hope you rest well tonight. Are you still reading a lot of fictions?

  2. I only got one right today, Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am not reading fiction books for now. Doing some Bible study on the
    "Doctrine of Walking"and want to do some study on "The Doctrine of Bitterness."
    Look the words up in the back of your Bible, lots of verse,s on the words.

    Thanks Sue for your study with me.
