Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gospel---People and Places

1. Multiple choice: Which Old Testament writer did Jesus say accused the Jews of not believing His words, Because this man had written about Him (Jesus)?  (a) Joshua; (b) Samuel; or (c) Moses

2. When Jesus claimed equal authority with the Father, He declared to the Jews that the dead would have life when they heard the voice of : (a) The Father; (b) the Holy Spirit; or (c) the Son of God.

3. Fill in the blank: The Jews sought to kill Jesus because He made Himself equal with God by claiming that God was His ---------.

1. Moses (John 5:46)  The Jews always claimed Moses as their authority, and Jesus wanted to make it clear that Moses, rightly understood, pointed to  Him.
2. The Son of God (John 5:25,28,29).
3. Father (John 5:18).


  1. Two today, Patsy.
    Hope you are doing fine.

  2. Hi Patsy,
    We are enjoying temps in the 70's today. I have a few windows open so the cats can enjoy listening to the birds! Hope you both enjoy your day.
