Wednesday, May 9, 2012


1. Multiple choice: Jeremiah predicted that before Egypt attacked Gaza, destruction would come from the north upon Ashkelon. What nation faced extinction ?
(a) Moab; (b) Edom; or (c) Philistia.

2. What nation known for its vineyards did Jeremiah compare to a vintage wine settled on its dregs, which is tipped over and poured out? (a) Lebanon ; (b) Moab; or (c) Syria.

3. Jeremiah predicted at length the fall of a kingdom under attack from the north. Name this kingdom whose gods were Bel and Merodach. (a) Egypt; (b) Babylon;or (c) Syria.

1. (c) Philistia (Jer. 47 ).Gaza and Ashkelon were two of the five Philistia cities. Ashbod, Gath, and Ekron were the other three.

2. (b) Moab (Jer. 48: 11, 12). Like  a good wine which has never been disturbed during its aging , Moab had never known deportation.

3. (b) Babylon (Jer. 50:2,3 ).

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