Thursday, May 10, 2012


Multiple Choice:
1.  How did Jeremiah visualize the finality of Babylon's impending  destruction?
(a) He burned a model of the city; (b) he sank his prophecy in the Euphrates with a stone; or (c) he shaved his head.

2. What two nations did Jeremiah predict would fall before an enemy who would attack like "a lion from the floodplain of the Jordan"? (a) Edom and Babylon; (b) Israel and Judah; or (c) Assyria and Babylon.

3. Which biblical book by a prophet has the main thrust, "The Lord has done what He  purposed; He has fulfilled His word----He has thrown down [Jerusalem]"? (a) Ezekiel; (b) Lamentations; or (c) Jeremiah.

1. (b) He tied a scroll of his prophecy to a stone and sank it in the Euphrates (Jer. 51: 63 ).

2. (a) Edom  and Babylon (Jer. 49 :19; 50:35,44).

3. (b) Lamentations Lam. 2:17 ).

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