Thursday, December 2, 2010

People: Multiple Choice :
From what group of people did Samson choose a wife?
(a) Moabites; (b)Philistines;or (c) Midianites
(b) Philistines (Judg. 14 :2 ).
Samson's unbridled passions eventually led to his downfall. This was his first recorded choice of his way instead of God's.
Who pestered Samson into revealing the secret of his great strength?

(Judg, 16 : 6, 16, 17 ).

1 comment:

  1. I did good on today's questions. It sure has been cold the last 2 days here. Hope you and Bennie are warm. By the way, McDonalds has a $1 caramel mocha (small) that is delicious this week. Try one.
