Wednesday, December 1, 2010

People and Places: Multiple Choice :
Whose bones were buried in Canaan at Shechem ?
(a) Joshua's ; (b) Joseph's ; or (c) Caleb's.
(b) Joseph's (Josh. 24:32 ).
Joseph had made his heirs promise to bury him in Canaan when the Lord would again take the Israelites there (Gen. 50 :24 ,25 ).
Multiple Choice :
Which judge asked God on two different occasions to show him a sign to assure him that God wanted him as a judge over Israel ?
(a) Gideon; (b) Othniel; or (c)Samson.
(a) Gideon (Judg. 6; 17 - 21, 36-40 ).


  1. Hi Patsy, Thank you for the Bible passages and questions today. It rained so hard here yesterday and not it has cleared and is cold and windy. Hope you and Bennie have a great day.
