Monday, August 21, 2017

The High Ground


The  Latin poet, Horace, understood and proclaimed the
axiom of perseverance: "Let him proceed as he began, and 
be consistent with himself."
You  began by listening to doctrine; if you are consistent
with yourself, you will persevere until you take that high

The Apostle Paul affirmed the principle of perseverance
in the Epistle to the Colossians:
According as you have received to yourself Christ Jesus
the Lord, so Keep Walking in Him: having been rooted 
and constantly being built up in Him, being stabilized by 
means of doctrine in the manner that you have been taught,
over flowing with thanksgiving.
(expanded Trans)  Col. 2: 6,7

R.B. Thieme Jr
Book ( Follow The Colors)

Why do we need training of Bible on a consistent basis ?
So that you will be adequately prepared. We are in a full-
blown disaster; we are walking headlong into a maelstrom of 
adversity in this nation Without Bible doctrine in our soul
 we will be caught short and fall apart.

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