Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Golden Bridge

(4) Dying Grace
Constitutes the transfer of the super-grace believer into
heaven under conditions of special blessing, whereby 
dying becomes even greater than living. Dying grace is
the golden bridge between the super-grace blessings
of time and the surpassing grace blessing of eternity
(2 Tim. 4:7,8; Heb.11:13)

By R. B. Thieme Jr
Book (Follow The Colors)

"For thou, Lord art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous 
in mercy unto all them that call upon him."
Psalm 86:5

God, thank you for loving me for myself and dying that I
might live. Teach me to feel that kind of love for others
as well as myself.

In Christ name I pray

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