Sunday, March 5, 2017

Train Up A Child

Train Up A Child

Children's Bible Studies---Source Book
A companion resource for the children's book series. It includes
curriculum guidelines, sample lesson plans, teaching aid suggestion,
a comprehensive research guide, and a glossary. The curriculum is a 
'nuts and bolt's' outline of Bible doctrines to "train up a child in the 
way he should go" (Prov. 22:6a). The sample lesson plans demonstrate
how to develop a subject. Teaching aid suggestions are a starting point
for creative presentations. Publications and recordings of lessons by
R.B. Thieme, Jr. and Bible verses are referenced as research material.
The glossary is a collection of familiar terms. Designed for parents and
teachers of children of all ages. 

You've got my feet on the life path, all radiant from the shining
of Your face. Ever since You took my hand, I'm on the right way.
Psalm 16:11

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