Thursday, March 16, 2017

R.B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Mimistries

Bible Study Groups

You may contact R.B. Thieme, Jr Bible Ministries at
(713) 621-3740 to establish an audio MP3 or DVD
group to listen to Pastor R. B. Thieme, Jr. Information
for each group is available from Thieme Ministries and
in the church library.

Audio MP3 Bible Study Groups

Arkansas, Lakeview,   Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Tampa

Kansas, Lawrence , Pennsylvania, Pottstown,  Utah, Salt Lake City

Wisconsin, Watertown, England, Hampshire

DVD Bible Study Groups

Arizona, Kearny, South Carolina, Charleston
Texas, McAllen, , Virginia, Chesapeake
Germany, Munster

The Lord will stay with you! Whenever you seek Him, you will find Him.
2 Chron. 15:2

1 comment:

  1. Serious question. While studying on tape, I heard the pastor refer to some women in the workplace as "Femi-Nazi's as they call them". This is from a Spiritual Dynamics series lesson on Faith Rest. I have heard the Colonel reference Rush Limbaugh (who I've listened to and find to be a fearful of the "other" idiot and a bit of a coward). Now, many in the audience (on both occasions) seemed to laugh when these references were made and I couldn't tell if the attitude was supportive or mocking of another loudmouth windbag (Rush, not the Colonel). Can someone honestly answer this question--Was the Colonel influenced by the broadcasts of Rush Limbaugh and I'm I studying under a Pastor Teacher who shares Limbaugh's philosophy? Does the Colonels son share these views? This is an honest question from a "taper" who doesn't have the luxury of or the ability to talk to other members of this congregation, but has learned a lot from the Colonel and his taped series. I've seen instances of Limbaugh's program slowly turning people who I saw as strong and accepting of everyone and turning them into weak people who blame everyone else for their problems and fail to take responsibility as long as there is someone "below" them that they can feel superior to. I'd love a reply and I won't argue with your pov--just would like some insight from a person who might be better able to discern.
