Thursday, January 12, 2017

Never Waver

Daniel Chapters One Through Six

In every age, God's plan for humanity includes certain ordinary
people who do the extraordinary: they impact history and glorify
God by using divine solutions to overcome adversity. What enables
these remarkable believers to exhibit virtue and courage in a crisis ?
They trust in the Lord and fortify their souls with Bible doctrine. 
Daniel was such a man. Under the intense pressure of catastrophe,
his faithfulness and dependence on the Lord distinguished him as a
man with a noble purpose in life. God uses prepared believers, and
this Jewish aristocrat was spiritually prepared to transform the 
Chaldean and Persian Empires into citadels of stability and honor
 in the ancient world. Devoted service and promotion to high office
in both Chaldean and Persia placed Daniel in the unique position to
further advance the plan of God for Israel. He was truly a man for the
crisis. Throughout monumental adversity Daniel never once wavered
from divine viewpoint. His life exemplified that any believer armed
with Bible doctrine in the soul can do the extraordinary in the midst
of human disaster.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr

Though you may stumble, you will not fall, for the Lord
upholds you with His hand.
Ps. 37:24

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