Saturday, January 21, 2017

Cherished Liberty

Freedom Through Military Victory

Can a believer in Jesus Christ serve his country as a soldier, kill the enemy, and
 at the same time be a good Christian? Can a believer justify being a conscientious
 objector? Did God contradict Himself in the commandments, "You shall not murder"
and "You  shall defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them"? The Bible answers
  these critical questions. God established a principle by which a nation may guard
 its sovereignty, maintain its freedom, and protect its citizenry from the horrors of
 conquest by a foreign power. An alert and
  stalwart military force averts armed conflict and deters wanton aggression. Yet when
an enemy aggressor will not be deterred, the military must defend and protect those
who cannot defend themselves. those in military service who place a higher value on
their families, friends, and nation then on their own lives ensure the survival of our
cherished liberty. Just as the Lord Jesus Christ made the greatest sacrifice of all history
on the cross-- dying so that mankind might have eternal life---so the military warriors
sacrifice their time, their fortunes, and sometimes their lives that others might live in

Book by R.B. Thieme Jr.

" I am the light of the world. Whoever follows  Me will never
walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"
John 8:12

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