Saturday, December 17, 2016

Be Fulfilled

The Trinity

Is a doctrine unique to Christianity. No other faith, religion, sect, or
philosophy that advocates one God also proclaims that God is Three-
in- One. This apparent paradox does not mean there are 'three gods in
one,' but that one God exists as three persons who are coequal, coin--
finite, and coeternal, all possessing the same essential nature. God is
one in essence, but three in person. The Trinity is not abstract theology
but a practical doctrine that you should comprehend. Your understanding
of the plan God the Father has designed for you illuminates your destiny
in time and eternity. Your understanding of the person and work of Jesus
Christ illuminates your so-great salvation. Your understanding of the Holy
Spirit affects your concept of living the Christian life. Only by perceiving
the true biblical perspective of the Trinity can you come to love God, grow
spiritually, and fulfill your very own spiritual life.

Book By R. B. Thieme Jr.

Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's 
purpose that prevails.
Prov. 19:21

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