Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Not For To Day


They will cease, Distortions have permeated contemporary Christianity
making this one of the most controversial statements in the Bible. Millions
of believers  today profess  to speak a language  they do  not understand, 
claiming a manifestation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and evidence of
a superior relationship with God. The animation and enthusiasm of their
displays have infiltrated denominations and sects throughout the Christian
world. The spiritual gift of tongues, prophesied by Isaiah, was designed for
a specific divine purpose-- a warning sign to Israel of impending national
destruction. This gift, bestowed by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost
A. D. 30, would  be an  unmistakable sign of Israel's spiritual failure and
imminent divine  judgment and would also  herald the  new Church Age.
But this spiritual gift is not operational today. The final authority for resolving
the theological conundrum of tongues is the infallible Word of God. Subjective
thinking and emotionalism mislead and obscure the truth of Bible doctrine.
Only the pertinent passages from Scripture, correctly translated and accurately
interpreted, can reveal to  the believer the truth about tongues.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr.

All of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a 
resounding "YES!"

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