Thursday, November 10, 2016

Go To The Throne

Is a great weapon of the spiritual life! Through prayer ypu
have instant access to the throne room of God to communicate
directly with God the Father. But to pray effectively, you must
know how to pray. God  has established basic ground rules to 
follow.  Armed  with  these  procedures, you  will  be  able to  
confidently  approach the  throne of grace and express gratitude
to God, intercede on behalf of others, and petition for your own
personal needs. God has mandated you to "pray without ceasing."
Wielding the power of prevailing prayer, you have the opportunity
to support those in need; to participate in the ministries of pastors,
missionaries, and evangelists; to sustain and deliver the nation.
God  answers prayer in fantastic ways, but always so that His will
and plan might be fulfilled. 

Book By R. B. Thieme Jr

" I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never
walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

John 8:12

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