Friday, October 14, 2016


Christian Life Books

Christian Integrity

The strength of the advancing believer. Integrity means 
wholeness of character, consistency of word and deed,
uncompromising adherence to a code of  values. Christian
integrity comes from living by the Word of  God. Each
biblical command for the believer reveals an aspect of
God's grace, but all His grace provisions function together
as a single system of power and love. By understanding God's
plan as an integrated system, the believer can adhere to all God's
mandates. He can avoid distortions  that come from taking favorite
biblical principles out of  their doctrinal context. No part or parts of
God's system will function effectively if isolated from the system as
a whole. The  believer who lives within God's system of power and
love has Christian integrity.

Book By R. B. Thieme Jr

God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches
in Christ Jesus.
Phil. 4:19

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