Saturday, October 1, 2016

Salvation Books

The Barrier

Is impassable and insurmountable, No human  being can break
though this obstruction. Mankind is born on the wrong side of
the barrier, hopelessly separated from any relationship with God.
God always knew that man through his negative volition would
alienate himself from his Creator, so in eternity past God the
Father designed a perfect plan to remove the barrier. He sent His
Son, Jesus Christ , to be judged for our sins on the cross, to bring
man from enmity to peace with God. And yet, even through Jesus
Christ removed the barrier, your relationship with God depends
on you. Only one issue remains: What do you think of Jesus Christ?
Only one decision separates you from God. If you believe in Christ,
you cross the line of separation and receive God's gift of eternal life.

There is NO charge for any material from R. B. Thieme, Jr.
Bible Ministries. Anyone who desires Bible teaching can
receive our publications and recordings without obligation.
God  provides Bible doctrine. We  wish to reflect His grace.

R.B. Thieme, Jr, Bible Ministries
Post office Box 460829
Houston, Texas 77056-8829

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