Saturday, October 8, 2016

Free Or Bondage

Slave Market of Sin
We think of ourselves as free, but we are born in an inescapable
slavery--- bondage to sin. As members of the human race we exist
in a slave market of sin, helpless to redeem ourselves. We enter the
world with a sin nature, separated from God and powerless to establish
a relationship with Him. We have no way to emancipate ourselves from
the captivity of our inherited depravity. However, the gracious plan of
God for mankind calls for a savior, a redeemer--- the Lord Jesus Christ --
to purchase our freedom from the slave market. Christ is the only person
qualified to make such a purchase. The only requirement for eternal release
from the slave market of sin is faith alone in Christ alone.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr

The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in Him, and
I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him
in song.
Ps. 28:7

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