Sunday, October 23, 2016

Designed Just For You

The Faith-Rest Life

Faith-rest is the life of peace designed for you as a believer in
 the Lord Jesus Christ. This life is characterized by a moment -
by-moment tranquillity, happiness, and stability. But how can
you have this perfect rest when you are surrounded by pressure,
adversity, and disaster? God wants you to do only one thing----
trust Him! Believe His Word! Mix the promises from the Bible
with faith! If you trusted Him for the greatest thing He could 
ever provide---salvation, then you can trust Him for the lesser
things----solutions to your problems. When you use the faith-
rest technique, you stand on the solid ground of the Word of God.
 Bible doctrine becomes a living reality in every experience. No
matter what happens to you, no matter how difficult your problems,
you have " the peace of God which passes all understanding."

The Faith-Rest Life
Book By R.B. Thieme Jr

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it 
and are safe.
Prov. 18:10

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