Saturday, September 24, 2016


Peace And Survival of A Nation

Why are you free right now? Because well-trained, professional
soldiers killed the enemy on the battlefield in World War II and
Won The WAR!
Since then, our military has not been permitted to pursue the enemy
to a decisive victory in the battlefield. We are losing our freedom by
default. The lives of our own boys are being sacrificed rather than 
the lives of the enemy! Many of you may not like hearing that; but 
there is one thing you would hate more-- and that is Slavery! You 
are free, but you are free because freedom has been purchased with
death of the criminal within, and the death of the enemy without.That
course of action is based on Bible doctrine, and that is Christianity!
That is honoring to the Lord Jesus Christ! When there is subjectivity
in the law enforcement or in the military, the effectiveness of both is
neutralized. There is a rise in the crime rate and the possibility of

A study of Nehemiah describes God's viewpoint concerning the nation
that will survive militarily by following God's plan and we will suffer
the consequences if we do not make some changes quickly!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own 
understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will
make your paths straight.
Prov. 3:5-6

R.B. Thieme Jr.
Freedom Through Military Victory
Berachah Tapes & Publications
5139 West Alabama
Houston, Texas 77027

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