Sunday, August 28, 2016

Universal Peace

Political Organization

The largest political organization in this country----
the National Council of Churches of America-----
is working constantly for disarmament of the United States
on the one hand and promoting the United Nations on the other.
It is absolutely tragic! The only way to prevent war is to be stronger
than the next fellow and be ready for him so that it will not be worth
while to start a war!

Now here is the situation:  there will be universal peace when Christ
returns to the earth; until then there will always be the possibility of war.
We need an administration in office that will arm us and be prepared.

R.B. Thieme, Jr.
Book (Dispensations)
Berachah Tapes & Publications
5139 West Alabama
Houston, Texas 77056

All things are possible with God.
Mark 10:27

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