Friday, March 11, 2016

Did We For Get Evangelism

Personal Evangelism
Confusion about personal evangelism, we have missed a 
great opportunity to win souls to  Christ in our generation. 
America is not a Christian nation; our citizens are as desperately
in need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the heathen in darkest
Africa are! How can we hope to send out missionaries if we can
not witness effectively in our own backyard?

 Be strong and take heart all you who HOPE in the Lord
Ps. 31:24

In all things it is better to hope then to despair.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

1 comment:

  1. There is a sign as you leave our church that says You are now entering the mission field. Sometimes I think we are blind as bats. Years ago we did cold calls as we were both on the Evangelism Committee at church, we met some interesting people to share our faith with, my husband helped a couple get their newborn baptized...I doubt that they would have done so without encouragement and support from him.
    I think you can share God's Grace and make a real difference:)
