Saturday, March 5, 2016

Good News

Agencies Of Witnessing
The first declaration of the Gospel occurred in the Garden
of Eden after the Fall, with the Lord Himself as the
Evangelist and the first man and his wife as the recipients of
the good news of salvation (Gen. 3:15-21). After the regeneration
of Adam and Eve, the Gospel became their sacred trust, and witnessing
operated on what I call the "family plan." According to this system, the
first parents set the precedent for all future parents in that they evangelized
their own children.

By R.B. Thieme,Jr.

"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he 
is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which He hath
promised to them that love Him.
James 1:12

 Dear God, this is a new day and I may face unexpected
temptations. Please help me to keep free from evil.
In Christ name I pray

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